I hear dinosaurs tasted like chicken.
I would be concerned about that. Hearing things never turns out to be a good thing. Did others hear it at the same time?....hee hee hee
I hear dinosaurs tasted like chicken.
I would be concerned about that. Hearing things never turns out to be a good thing. Did others hear it at the same time?....hee hee hee
I found that missing link by the way.....
everyone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
Nickolas The question that stood was not about fairies..The tale you tell is about the here and now concerning if you can see fairies and setting up cameras. We are not talking about the here and now. We cannot set up cameras.
The question was about the resurrection of Jesus.
Can you prove that this isn't a fact?
No you can't
Regarding your instant dismissal of scientific evidence
That statement is not valid either. How does listening to or reading theories of other scientist dismiss scientific evidence? I am open to what scientists have to say. But it has to add up...thats what real science is about.
Ziddina......I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. It is something that is interesting me at the moment and I am putting my thoughts out. Nothing I am saying is set in stone.....unlike your fossils....
Your personal interest in studying fossils and rocks is fine. But it is only one small peice of the evolution puzzle. I am trying to look at the big picture.
I am trying not to be too narrow minded. Why limit yourself to that theory which you seem to hold to such high esteem? There are soooo many other sciences involved in the theory of evoulution. Are you going to study them all in depth to support your claims?
If you do, you may discover that they do not support your theory as much as you think.
below is a link to an interactive map of the japanese earthquake and it's aftershock sequence.. there are a number of interactive tools enabling a close examination of what took place .
ie; you can speed up the sequence and select various periods of activity.
you can also pause the sequence and hover the pointer over specific quakes to determine depth, magnitude etc.. the map will open beginning with day one .
That map is really quite scary....with the sticky dots. Do they have anything like this for NZ?
sizemik considering they lived for hundreds of years and had many more children than just 3 girls each...I think that figure is quite conservative.
There's some evidence that T-Rex might have been a fore-runner of today's chickens - now that's what I'd call ironic!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha No but seriously, I am expecting my bedsheets to evolve into a matress any day now.
Could the world have repopulated from 3 or 4 women as is implied in the most literal way of reading the Noah's ark story?
It may seem strange to assume that a woman can have, on average, 3 or 3,5 daughters in a lifetime – thus 6 or 7 children. But in the times before birth control it was not rare for woman to have much larger families than that
The numbers below only represent the girls and women of the new generation. You could assume that there are still older woman too, and about as many men and boys as woman and girls.
SCENARIO 1: Each woman has, on average, 3 daughters who reach adulthood, and get her girls on average at age 25
From the ark comes 3 woman of child-bearing age =3
25 years later: 3×3 young woman/ girls of next generation.
50 years later: 3x3x3
100 years later: 3 to the power of 5
200 years later: 3 to the power of 9 =19 683
350 years later: 3 to the power of 15 =14 348 907
500 years later: 3 to the power of 21= 10 460 353 203 (More young woman and girls than there are people in the world now.)
cyberjesus...thanks for your advice, although I don't recall asking for any. Yes I am still thinking and yes I am researching.....thanks for caring.